Friday, August 15, 2008


The Great Game refers to the strategic rivalry and the resulting conflict between Russia and Britain, played out over the lands of Afghanistan starting from Circa 1813, beginning with the Russo-Persian treaty and which generally continued up to the year 1907, until the Anglo-Russian convention. Though this term was first used by an officer in the British army Arthur Connolly; it was popularized in the novel, Kim, by Rudyard Kipling.
The British, with their sun-never-sets-on-the-empire attitude, were contently ruling over India, with the Russian empire far away, what with the strategic buffer of Afghanistan. Slowly, the Czarist empire began to spread its ambitions, resulting in a renewed interest in Afghanistan, which at that point of time, was fragmented into different spheres of interests among various regional chieftains.
Resultantly, the British started growing wary of this increasing Russian Bear hug, for they feared a Czarist advance towards India, which was their ‘Jewel in the Crown’. Fearing for the worst, the British started countering this increasing Russian influence in Afghanistan.

What followed, was essentially espionage, assassinations and counter assassinations, with no side giving the other any concessions. It was politics at its best, or worst, depending which side of the story you were on. This Great Game culminated in two Anglo-Afghan wars, but the British did succeed in halting this Russian advance towards their sphere of influence.
With the decrease in the British strength, post IInd World War, and the rise in American prominence, along with the Rise of the U.S.S.R, the Great Game was now known as the Cold War. The players were basically the same, the Russians on the one side and the Western powers on the other. The Cold War was anything but a cold war. It was not restricted to one theatre of war, as the Great Game, but spread across the Globe. The Bay of Pigs crisis , which perhaps has remained the only genuine nuclear war flashpoint (thank God, for that) till date , and where both the powers were only minutes away from launching nuclear strikes against each other, the NATO and the WARSAW pacts, which divided the world into two opposing camps (each armed to the teeth) with nuclear tipped missiles pointing at one other, are only a few examples of this ‘New Great Game’, which, incidentally, was still being played out in Afghanistan . The Russians, had invaded and occupied Afghanistan in 1980, and installed a puppet regime. The Americans created the Mujahiddens, to counter the Russians. The Taliban was conceived, its delivery and growth need no elaboration.
Perestroika and Glastnost, stunned the world. Gorbachev, was a man ahead of his time. Perhaps even the staunchest of CIA detectives, had not expected this fallout. The WARSAW pact countries began to fall like a pack of cards . Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Bulgaria , Romania……the list is endless, threw off Communism and embraced Democracy. The Russian army , withdrew from Afghanistan , humiliated , for perhaps the first time in its history.
Resistance seemed futile , for as Victor Hugo remarked, “ You cannot fight an idea , whose time has come .”
Officially the Cold War was over, and the Americans seemed to have prevailed. Russia which had reached the abyss, under the leadership of Boris Yelstin ,started its resurgence under Vladimir Putin , and his gentle dictatorship. I refer to his reign as dictatorship, because although he was elected democratically ,his regime was anything but that. Rivals were hounded out off the country ,and the ones remaining in the country were dealt with very strictly. Even Gary Kasparov , the former world Chess champion was manhandled and arrested , while leading a protest march against Putin . If media reports are to be believed , Kasparov , is planning a comeback into the world of chess, the reasons are not very far off to see.
But the Great Game was still not over .The Americans , buoyed by the success in the Cold War ,now dreamt of a unipolar world, the Russians had been defeated , but not eliminated .America now began to implement its vision of surrounding Russia with its new found allies .Huge amount of money was pumped into the region ,in support of apparently democratically aligned political parties. The real reason was to bring in regimes favorable to America, and isolate Russia in its own backyard. Czechoslovakia was won over by the ‘Velvet Revolution’, Ukraine by the ‘Orange Revolution’, and Georgia by the ‘Rose Revolution’.
Mikhail Saaskhasvili, the American educated politician , was supplanted as the President in Georgia. NATO began to spread its tentacles, and the countries surrounding Russia were fast tracked into NATO. Georgia became the closest American ally in the region . It even sent its forces into Iraq, to fight alongside the Americans . Its army was being trained by the Americans , Turkey and Israeli forces . Resultantly the Georgians , began to look Vladmir Putin in the eye.
Four Russian agents were arrested , in Georgia ,on grounds of espionage. Even the residence of the Russian ambassador to Georgia was raided by the Georgian police, on the grounds of searching for a terrorist. The stakes were being gradually raised in the Great Game .
In the meanwhile Putin had his hands full of the insurgency in Chechnya. The hostage crisis in an opera in Moscow, was the ultimate challenge Putin faced to its authority. The stern reponse to the challenge,ensured that the Russian confidence was restored. Here was a MAN , for whom the Russians had been clamouring for .
In the meanwhile, the Georgians were also dealing with revolt in South Ossetia and Abkhazia . After all, the Great Game is played by both the sides .
During the time when Russia was still U.S.S.R , South Ossetia was an autonomous region in the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic . The region has a majority of Russians, and post break up of U.S.S.R , they wanted to merge with Russia . The insurgency, resulted in Russian forces being stationed in South Ossetia , as peace keepers. But the province knew no peace . The Georgians , with tacit approval from the Americans , began to stand up to Putin .
On August 7 , the Georgian army rolled into the South Ossetian capital , Tskhinvali .The city was literally razed to the ground by the Georgian army . Numerous Russian peacekeepers , were hacked to death . The Georgians had expected the Russians to be taken off guard , what with the recent change of guard with Dmitry Medvedev having taken over from Putin , as President of Russia . Putin was still the Prime Minister .Furthermore , Putin was in China , for the opening ceremony of the Olympics . Even Medvedev was on holiday . The Georgians were expecting an American initiated ceasefire , by the time the Russians reacted .
The Russians , responded in the manner only they can , immediately and effectively. The Georgian army , which is even less than 1/10 th of the Russian army , was effectively annihilated within 48 hours . The Russians are renowned for being merciless towards their enemies, maybe their harsh weather has got to do something with this . The Russian army is continuing its mission deep inside the Georgian territory , dismantling whatever war machinery was still left with Georgia.
The Americans , who the Georgians were looking towards , for succour , never appeared . The European Union did not speak out . Mikhail Saaskhavilli is completely isolated . The Russians have sent out a very clear message , Great Game or no Great Game , don’t mess with us !! NATO has been sent out a warning , ‘don’t meddle around in our backyard’. Not for nothing is Putin known as the strong man , although his black belt in Martial Arts , may also have something to do with this .
Sample the Indian response , in the Great game , in its theatre .
The agitation in Jammu , in the aftermath of the land transfer issue , with the people coming out in droves , demanding the land for the Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board , met with a response in the Kashmir valley . Ever since the advent of terrorism in the Kashmir valley (around 25 years back) , Jammu has been an oasis of peace . Nothing had provoked their ire, not the discrimination against them , in favour of the Kashmiris , not the ethnic cleansing of the Kashmiri Pandits , not the attack at the Raghunath temple in Jammu, neither the attack at the Jammu railway station . But this time around , Jammu reacted .
The government led by Governor N.N.Vohra was still vacillating . Then Kashmir burst out . The rhetoric of Sajjad Lone and the Hurriyat conference ,reached its logical conclusion . Lone and his colleagues had been crying about shortage of Baby Milk Powder and stuff in the valley , due to the economic blockade imposed by the people of Jammu . This coming from a party which has been calling for long bandhs in the valley for the past numerous years , would have been laughable , if not for the human lives involved .
That the talk of ‘economic blockade’, is a sham indulged in the by the Hurriyat , at the instigation of its masters from across the borders , has been exposed by the Intelligence agencies . The Television channels have shown shots of the Srinagar –Jammu highway , showing no blockade at any point . Trucks, although fewer in number have seen moving on the highway, freely.
The Hurriyat Conference then showed their true colours . Apparently, the apple growers of the Kashmir valley were suffering huge losses due to the ‘economic blockade’, imposed by the people in Jammu region . The Hurriyat gave a call for a walk towards Muzzafarabad ( capital of Pak Occupied Kashmir) , in order to sell apples .The call was supported by the Kashmir Chamber of Commerce, which incidentally has never raised its voice against the ‘economic blockade’ imposed by the terrorists. The security forces intervened , and now Kashmir is aflame .
Kindly note the dangerous game being played out in the Indian version of the Great Game . Kashmir has known no peace for the past twenty five years . 68,000 people have lost their lives in terror related incidences , tourism industry , which is the back bone of Kashmiri economy , is in tatters , 5 lakh Kashmiri Pandits have been driven away from the Kashmir valley , bandhs called after the death of terrorists , last for days together , rest of the time the place is under curfew . And listen to the rhetoric about the ‘Apple growers facing a loss’, ‘shortage of Baby Milk Powder’ . Get real mates !!
Further , the resemblance between protests in Palestine and Kashmir bear an uncanny resemblance , the same throwing of stones against the security forces and then running away into the alleys , the same beating of chests and dancing with the dead body of one killed in action taken by the security forces . The resemblance is too close to rubbish it with a coincidence theory . There certainly is a thread running through these places , which indicate a common puppeteer .
In contrast to the approach of Putin , our Govt. , as usual, has been clueless . Governor N.N.Vohra , who initially yielded to the demand of revocation of transfer of land to the shrine board , without giving the matter any thought , is now caught between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea . On the one hand are the terrorists in Srinagar ( with the history of the Hurriyat conference , you cannot call them as apart from the terrorists) , and on the other hand are the people in Jammu , who by now have realized that the politicians only understand the language of violence (can we really blame them?).
The response of Dr Farooq Abdullah , is reported to you , ad verbatim , to understand the truth , “ The agitation in Jammu must stop forthwith. The agitation in the rest of the country must stop forthwith. Otherwise be prepared to face the consequences.”
Although nothing in politics surprises anybody , but this coming from a man who is himself a part of the problem is , well , pretty amazing . His family has ruled Jammu & Kashmir for greater part of its accession with India , and have only reaped the benefits . The talk of self autonomy can still be heard from the National Conference , of the Abdullahs . Would Dr. Abdullah kindly elaborate on the ‘consequences’ he was referring to!!!
The fact that India is bereft of a man like Putin , can be gauged from the response of the Home Minister of India , who stated that he had no objection , if the apple growers exported apples to POK , provided Pakistan allowed them to cross the LOC, for Muzzafarabad was closer to Kashmir than New Delhi. BRAVO , shall we say .How the Americans would wish Putin to say something of this sort .
Now the Govt. has enlisted the support of the spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar , to mediate with Syed Ahmad Shah Gilani and Mirwaiz Farooq .

How about pacifying the people of Jammu , Dear Sirs ? This is exactly the kind of act which encourages the tolerant people to resort to non violence . With due regards to the spiritual guru , does any body acquainted with the politics of the day believe that something constructive would evolve out of this half baked measure .
We as a nation , have developed an uncanny knack to search for short cuts , and that too through an half hearted approach.
The Prime Minister , well what of him …….Years ago , the pout of the then Prime Minister Narsimha Rao , was the butt of jokes , “When In doubt , pout,” which was the posture Narsimha Rao , usually maintained . But at least Narsimha Rao was his own man .
So J&K burns , while the politicians warm their hands from its fire , with the general elections a few months away , the best course is to stoke the fire , one way or the other , while the bureaucrats calculate the moolah to be raked in from the Sixth Pay Commission , as if these bureaucrats ever use their salary .

Let Vladimir Putin deal with and counter the Great Game .

An election is coming. Universal peace is declared and the foxes have a sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry.” ~T.S. Eliot

Before signing off , I would wish to avail this opportunity to congratulate Abhinav Bindra , for his Golden effort at the Olympics . The way he has reacted to all the adulation , in his composed manner ,shows sagacity and maturity, which is very hard to find in the heroes of Today . May his tribe increase . Let us all wish the boxer Akhil Kumar for his fearlessness and the contempt for the established order in his sport. Win or Lose , at least he has shown the heart for a fight.