As per Transparency International Corruption Index -2007, India is ranked at 72 out of 180 countries. Nations with an even higher ranking include Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Pakistan , more sub Saharan African nations. Interestingly the higher the ranking the more corrupt a nation is presumed to be.
I tell you, this charade of corruption is being spread by the Western Nations in order to denigrate our great nation. After all, the same Laloo Yadav who with his ingenuity and 'secular' outlook ensured that buffaloes were being carried on Motor Cycles (actually to initiate the naive to the world of 'corruption', it was detected by the C.B.I during investigations into the fodder scam that a vehicle listed in official records as one carrying buffaloes was actually listed in R.T.O records as a Motorcyle!!!), is being feted by all the Western Management institutes as a Management Guru and no less. Therefore evidently even they have accepted his ingenuity.
It is in this context , it was distessing to note the resignation of the honourable Secy. Gen. of the Indian Hockey Federation , Shri Jotikumaran. As one of these nasty T.V channels guys showed during a sting operation, Jothikumaran (referred to as J.K ,henceforth , since it suits him better) was caught on camera accepting a ' bribe' of Rs. 2.0lakhs (imagine 2.0 lakhs only)for including a player in the Indian hockey team for an upcoming tournament in Malaysia. The balance amount was to be paid subsequently. These T.V guys should be sent to rot in hell, I tell you , or even better ,made to listen to speeches delivered by Shabana Azmi, Arundhati Roy and co. and best of all made to sit through one complete session of Parliament.
Anyway ,the poor J.K (what else he could be, accepting a 'bribe of only 2.0 lakhs) has 'clarified ' that he was under the impression that he was being paid the money in order to conduct a tournament!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excuse me for all the marks of exclamations above, I fell of the chair LAUGHING.
The ungrateful people all of you are, nobody shares a thought to the pain J. K. was taking to uplift Indian Hockey. Till now did any of the hockey guys gain prominence of this sort. Infact J.K's contribution is at par with Azharuddin's and Manoj Prabhakar's contribution to Indian Cricket, and not a word of appreciation he gets...
J.K along with bottom pincher K.P.S. Gill (another revered breed) have been working tirelessly to promote Indian Hockey for the past 15 years and their achievements have been stupendous. What if we fail to qualify for the Olympics for the first time since 1924 ? What if one of the best coaches/players in world Hockey Ric Charsleworth is deputed by F.I.H ( the International Federation) to help out Indian Hockey and he is not paid fares to accompany the team from his base in Australia for the Olympic qualifier. Hats off to J.K and His boss for standing up for Indian pride. After all we taught the world the nuances of Hockey ( 8 olympic Golds ,no less) and now a firang to teach us Hockey.......We will not tolerate this insult, what even if we fail to qualify. After all did Baron Pierre de Cobertin (father of modern Olympics) not say----"Winning is not everything". What noble Thoughts, which only we Indians can emulate. Curse on the American thought of " Winning is not everything, It is the ONLY THING". I tell you what these Americans ,Russians ,Chinese, Kenyans, Australians, Koreans......... may win all the medals at all events , Humne to Dilon ko Jeeta hai (courtsey Manoj Kumar in the movie Upkaar). At least we have Bhutan for company!
Well anyway back to J.K and his boss, the Super Cop, The duo are firm believers of "change". Change is the elixir of life, after all do we not change our workplace, decor at home , our Girlfriends, our city to take vacation. This Jodi has surpassed us all......................They sacked 9 (yes,nine) players of the Gold medal winning team at the 1998 Asian Games including the coach M.K.Kaushik (the fool spends money from his own pocket to run the preparatory camp, as the Federation does not usually have the money to run it). To top it all: THE PLANE CARRYING THE VICTORIOUS TEAM WAS ENROUTE AND WAS ABOUT TO LAND AT THE NEW DELHI AIRPORT....
Such Brilliance, Don't you agree? After all never let anybody get complacent. And please ,no snide remarks about J.K and his BOSS remining entrenched on their chairs for 15 years. They still need time to ' improve ' our standards!!
The duo provided yeoman service to the social sector too. As is well known (or so I think) Hockey players are provided employment By P.S.U's ,Railways etc. ,provided the player has represented India at International level. If the exposure is at the Olympics, World Cup, Asian games you get a comparative better job (after this is not Cricket we are talking about, are we?). So come an international tournament and we find players we have never heard about finding a place in the team. That these guys never get onto the pitch is a trivial matter and the fact that the team virtually plays with 11 players against 16 opponents is a question only you people opposed to 'social engineering' can raise. This has been going for years together ,but look at the brighter side , at least 5 guys get employed every year based on this social service. So Pray tell me ,is imposing a 'SERVICE TAX' on them as J.K was doing in the darned visual , unjust................You opponents of change raised such a hue and cry when a person (let's not call him a player), Deedar Singh was included in the team for a major tournament. Incidentally, Deedar literally means Appearance , and you nasty people went to town about not getting a Deedar of Deedar throughout the tournament. It was such mean stuff that the poor boy after getting a job on the 'merit' of playing for the country, was so nervous of you nasty people that he literally 'absconded' and J.K had to search the mighty heavens to recover the arrear of the ' SERVICE TAX'.
The contribution of J.K towards Environment deserves a Noble Prize. The man does not believe in taking payments in cheque (trees cut for paper and all such stuff) and takes payment in Cash. Therefore you rumour mongers , please stop the sarcastic remarks about "why did he not accept money in cheque if the idea was to conduct a tournament". The concern was towards Environment only and not as low as you suggest.
I would leave you with a remark passed by an Ex player about the incident " We punish people for killing our national Bird ,national Animal but what do we do with people killing our NATIONAL GAME ?".
You tell me.......................................................